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Kamis, 17 September 2015

Martingale system

A particular favourite with Roulette players (see the bottom of this page), the Martingale is the simplest and most popular of all gambling systems - especially among beginners.
The Martingale (and its variations) is also the system featured on all those Youtube videos showing you how to make a million playing online Roulette.

The Martingale system works as follows: as long as you're winning, keep to a 1 unit stake

Every time you lose, you double your stake to win back your losses and maintain the 1 unit profit.

Sequence of bets

The sequence of wagers in a losing streak is therefore:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 etc

Guaranteed profit (?)

The advantage of the Martingale gambling system is that you're guaranteed to make this 1 unit profit, unless you hit a long losing streak, or run out of funds.

The main problem with it is that you are often asked to risk a lot in order to win a little eg 6 consecutive losses results in a bet of 64 units for an overall 1 profit.

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